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Improved product performance

Too often, the impact of performance-related issues on user experience is underestimated and leads to a greater churn rate if not fixed. Dataroid helps technology professionals track network and application performance, identify issues real-time and act on it – through a single platform.

Using advanced predictive analytics, Dataroid forecasts user behaviors and preferences, helping businesses tailor their strategies and enhance customer engagement.


Make sure a better performance

Track and fix every transaction and related performance indicators such as response times, error rates, application availability


Move beyond front-end experience

Monitor your network performance and how it impacts your end-user experience

Latest Insights

Anomaly Detection
In the contemporary age, the amount of information produced is greater than ever. As sales promotions ingest enormous amounts of data, the information collected might be scattered or redundant, raising questions about the accuracy of the information they include.
The Designer's Tool Belt & Product Analytics
More than ever designers have a wide range of tools and skills. From this perspective, using product analytics might be the most distinguishable one for product designers. In this article, I’ll try to break down how to connect metrics to the design process and apply the findings to design future improvements.
How to Get Ahead in Analytics with SDKs
When it comes to building a brand and building a product – and hurrying on to promoting sales – there’s almost always a balance every business needs to find between developing things quickly and developing things perfectly. 

Drive your digital growth

Schedule a demo today to learn more on how we can help you unleash the potential of digital using Dataroid.